Valerie Moran (FL)

Educator in Fort Lauderdale, Florida

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Valerie Moran worked as a business technology teacher with Arthur Ashe Middle School in Fort Lauderdale, FL. Over her tenure, she helped students learn computer skills and supported them in their efforts to produce yearbooks. Before accepting her position at the Broward County, FL, school, Valerie Moran served Grosse Pointe Public Schools in Michigan as a life skills teacher. The role required she guide students as they studied topics like architecture and tailoring. During this period, she also presided over the Life Management Educators of the State of Michigan.

Beyond her background in education, Valerie Moran served the public for a decade in her capacity as a council woman for the City of Grosse Pointe Park, Michigan. As such, she sat on several influential governing bodies, including the city road and beautification commissions.

In her private life, she enjoys cooking and helping people learn how to cook. She coauthored a cookbook in collaboration with St. John Hospital and provided editorial input for a Junior League of Detroit cookbook.