Valerie Polichar
Higher Ed/IT Consultant, Singer/Songwriter, and Music Reviewer/Columnist in San Diego, California
A published writer and a singer/songwriter, Valerie writes music reviews and columns for three journals and records music as Huge Shark. She edited and published Grasslimb literary journal for 18 years. Passions include ethnobotany, automobiles, knitting, and social media.
Valerie holds a Ph.D. in experimental psychology & a B.A. in cognitive science, and is a credentialed mediator. She has spoken in front of national audiences such as the American Assoc. for the Advancement of Science. She has expertise on educational technology and networked communications, has written a chapter for a distance learning text, has published research on cell phone use, and has consulted for the U.S. Navy. In her 36-year career at the University of California, San Diego, she served as Director of Academic Technology Services. She currently consults on IT and higher education for The DeMeulle Group.
She has written over 400 songs.
She throws great parties.
Her friends are scattered across the globe.