Vasco Silva

Web Developer in Braga, Portugal

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Born and raised in the beautiful city of Viana do Castelo, Portugal, I studied and graduated in what is commonly known in southern Europe as "Informatics Engineering", at Universidade do Minho, Braga.

I love web development and design, and to learn new programming technologies and languages.
I'm very interested in algorithm analysis, to be able to find the answer to a given problem in the most elegant way, and with minimal complexity. I enjoy object oriented languages the most, although the imperative paradigm has a special place in my heart, since it was the first I've learned.

I am currently working as a web developer at gen/tekzenit.

I'm very passionate about photography, and I love to wander the streets, looking for stories, for the perfect light and framing, to capture the "decisive moment", or just and ordinary moment that I felt compelled to.
I often use my strobes to get some visions and images I have in my mind, and I enjoy artificial light photography very much.