
Rochester, Ny

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Peterson Vazquez is an Army disabled veteran, having earned the rank of sergeant and most recently, he earned the Master of Strategic Leadership Degree at Roberts Wesleyan College.

An entrepreneur and small businessman, Vazquez is the founder of Simply Served Process Servers, Inc. Most recently, Vazquez worked for the U.S. Department of Treasury and serves on various volunteer boards and committees in the community.

As a Christian, a son, a father, a husband, a disabled veteran, a servant leader and a proud hardworking American who holds true to his values, and demands integrity, respect, and responsibility in all his dealings.

Peterson Vazquez fully understands the issues that matter to all of us and knows that to fix a problem a leader must first listen to those whom he (or she) leads.

Peterson Vazquez was born and raised in the City of Rochester, enlisted in the Army Reserves at 17 years old followed by active duty Army in 1997. In 2003, as a single father, he returned back to Rochester with his sons. Remarried in 2005, Vazquez now resided in the Town of Henrietta with his wife Kristine M Demo-Vazquez and five children (Brandon - 21, Solomon - 17, Sylus - 15, Alyssa - 15 and Brent - 11).

Please ask yourself, are you and your family better off today than you were two, four or even six years ago?

A People First government is a government that ensures the American Dream with the promise of affording endless opportunities for all Americans to achieve prosperity through hard work; the promise of a government that is of the people, by the people and for the people.

Since 1778, the motto of New York State has been "Ever upward" or better known as "Excelsior", but "Ever upward" has been overshadowed by the:

  • Polarization of voters,
  • Lack of servant leadership,
  • Inadequate job opportunities,
  • Incapacitating high taxes,
  • Intrusive government,
  • Increasingly divided race relations, and
  • The lack of incentives to encourage upward mobility...

but Peterson believes that again we can be the State that is moving Ever Upward.

Ineffective and intrusive laws like the safe act and common core must be repealed - we must return to our roots and uphold a constitution that guarantees: the rights, the freedoms, and the safety of all Americans!

  • Education
    • Master of Strategic Leadership