Vernon Elliott

Might be in the United Kingdom

Vernon Elliott

Might be in the United Kingdom

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What I have been gifted and shared is getting some people thinking about faith and kindness. That for me is really meaningful.

Experts say the gold price is one of the hardest financial markets to predict.

Most people might agree that we can not see into the future.

One of my interests is following the gold price. When I started getting visions of the future gold price in Usd I just quietly took note and made records of the results.

The many results were spot on to the dollar so I decided perhaps I was not going crazy after all.

I started sharing my new visions on a public forum and the results are the most accurate gold price predictions in recorded history.

And no I didn't make a whole lot of predictions to get it right. They were correct from the start.

A few of my predictions are still in play so it will be interesting to see if these are accurate to the dollar as well.

It felt like my gold price predictions were being gifted to me at the time as I simply could not believe I had an ability to do this myself.

So to test myself I decided to purposely try and manifest the Bitcoin price predictions myself in an effort to collect the results and determine where they were coming from.

My Bitcoin predictions did extremely well and the impossible happened again.

It's kind of neat to have the most accurate predictions with two of the hardest markets on Earth to predict.

The real blessing is being given this ability to see small segments in time of future events.

It's really impossible for me to say exactly why I have visions. However I have some brief pre birth memories and some very odd things happened to me when I was a child.

Let's just say they are the type of things that if they didn't happen to you then you will most probably not be able to process the events as anything that is possible / true.

If you can't relate to much or any of that then I am a Son, Husband and Dad just like many of you.

After 8 years of giving away market insights and my experimental work complete in that arena. I have decided to move on.

Working towards a brighter, happier more peaceful future for all.

The power of faith, prayer, gratitude, love and light will always be your greatest wealth.

Keep your feet on the ground and reach for the stars.