Veronica Yager


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Veronica Yager, owner of YellowStudios, manages a team of award-winning book designers. She has been working with self-publishing authors & small business owners since 2008. She herself is a four-time award-winner for book design.

Her mission is to help make publishing a book as painless and easy as possible for indie authors.

Veronica helps authors self-publish from start to finish. Her services include book interior & book cover design, eBook conversions, author websites, book publishing services, and book marketing—which most self-publishing authors neglect and forget about!

Veronica and her team also work with small business owners to design a converting website, and a social media marketing platform for small businesses and entrepreneurs.

She offers a free consultation jam packed with advice, and will give you a solid direction to help ease the frustration many new authors face.

She lives in Colorado with her wonderful husband, and their three kids.

"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you've imagined." -Henry David Thoreau