Alícia Villar Aguilés

València (Spain)

Barcelona 1976. I live in Valencia and I'm pre-tenured lecturer at the Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology at University of Valencia (Spain). I'm PhD in Sociology (2010). I'm member of Spanish Association of Sociology of Education. I have published in “Revista de la Asociación de Sociología de Educación”, “Arxius de Ciències Socials”, “Revista Lusófona de Educação” or “Educação & Linguagem” journals and I'm co-author of “Sociología de la Educación” (Sociology of Education, Madrid: McGraw Hill, 2011). I have been visiting universities in Portugal and Germany to develop researches about educational indicators, the changes in the field of sociology of education and higher education.

  • Work
    • University of Valencia
  • Education
    • Sociology