Jeffrey Vionito

Jeffrey Vionito

If I am 'me' and you also refer to yourself as 'me' is it possible that we are both really the same 'me' just having two totally different experiences? So what if we were all tiny atoms in the body of the universe. Just as I am not a hand or a foot but I have a hand and a foot yet both body parts experience two different expressions of living. When we get cut doesn't energy from all other parts of our body rush to its aid? When catastrophe happens doesn't the world rise up to help those in need? We are all one. No, really....we are.

Hi, my name is Jeffrey Vionito and I am a writer of spiritual poetry and the author of the book, The Heart That Never Breaks. I have been writing poetry on and off ever since I was a child. I grew up in an Italian American, Christian, Jewish household which only implies that there was no solid structure of spiritual beliefs in our family and often left me wondering with a great imagination of, "What is the purpose of all of this?"

As I got older I broke away from that creative flow of writing in the midst of getting married, having two beautiful daughters and trying to make ends meet as a blue collar worker in the logistics/distribution industry.

Although I still work in that field, I dont identify with that mundane aspect of my life as much anymore. As I became more aware through my spiritual practice of meditation, inward reflection and focusing my attention on the Divine Source of all creation, I began to change my perceptions about how my life should be and what is truly important for me in this lifetime. In that shifting momentum of my life, I feel a healing transformation continuously taking place and an inner creativity starting to come back to me from my childhood days. It is in the light of these experiences I have decided to reach out to others through my poetry in hopes to bring that same awareness and inspiration to others that would appreciate it. My poetry covers the various themes of unity, oneness, Love, awakening, and other related spiritual content.

Currently I live in the Dallas/Fort Worth area with my wife and step daughter, and have hopes of moving forward and evolving my new passion for writing. Please feel free to visit my website, to contact me or just to visit and see whats new!