Virginie Uhlmann

Post-doc Researcher in Lausanne, Switzerland

Virginie Uhlmann

Post-doc Researcher in Lausanne, Switzerland

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"La pensée est un vin dont les rêveurs sont ivres."

[V. Hugo, les Contemplations]

I'm a life scientist fond of image data who fell in love with computers and mathematics. I hold a MSc in bioengineering and a PhD in electrical engineering, with a focus on applied maths for image processing.

I currently do bioimage informatics in Michael Unser's group at EPFL, Switzerland. There, I share my time between theoretical research on continuous representations for image analysis, collaborative projects with biologists and software development, like this Drosophila fly legs tracker, these chromosome segmentation/measurement tools, or this generic tool for finding diverse shortest paths.

Apart from scientific stuff, my mind is full of drawings of strange animals, novels and various types of music. Sometimes, I also climb on big rocks.

  • Education
    • École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne