Vlad Gorenshteyn 🌱

Digital Publicist, Marketing Strategist, and Storyteller in Atlanta, Georgia

Vlad Gorenshteyn 🌱

Digital Publicist, Marketing Strategist, and Storyteller in Atlanta, Georgia

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β–ˆ Who are you?

First & foremost, I'm a storyteller -- I'm driven by creating narratives in different mediums: prose, art, music, film, digital, & event-making.

β–ˆ So what exactly do you do?

I'm at my best helping clients tell their brand stories locally & around the world – connecting their services to their best-fit customers in the most efficient path possible. The results speak for themselves.

β–ˆ But how do you do this?

The recipe is simple: collaboration, courage, heart, gut, grit, imagination, and a lot of elbow grease. Combine these things with an awesome team & digital strategy.…and you have yourself some magic -- where ideas become reality.

β–ˆ Who do you work with?

I work with products, brands, & at the end of the day...incredible humans!

β–ˆ What's your favorite part of 'the job'?

Creating & translating client ideas into actionable plans and then executing. I lead creative, technical, marketing, & analytical experts to drive campaigns across the finish line. Also, I love the process of making something from nothing.

β–ˆ How long have you been at it?

Ever since I remember, but getting paid for it for well-over a decade.

β–ˆ What brands & agencies have you worked with?

I've been/I am fortunate to work with:

| Porsche
| Graeter's
| Aprio
| CNN Collection
| Publicis
| AIS Media
| Party Express
| Kaprikorn Co.

β–ˆ What tools do you use?

Paper, #2 pencil, & the oxford comma. I ask "the right" questions & do a whole lot of listening. There is a reason why we have two ears & one mouth.

β–ˆ What irks you?

Not too many things, but I prefer to be surrounded with people whom are authentic. I also love people whom are smarter than me, self-aware, & life-learners in pursuit of becoming a better version of themselves.

β–ˆ EQ or IQ?

Almost always EQ over IQ. You can't "learn" heart & "common sense"! Raw knowledge won't get you far.

β–ˆ Star Wars or Star Trek?

Yes, please.

β–ˆ Superpower of choice?

Time travel. Because in the future, you can get more super-powers ;) Nonetheless, I have recurring dreams about being able to fly.

β–ˆ What do you do for fun?

Living. Failing. Learning. Laughing. DJing. Drumming. Making. Creating. Motorsporting. Yoga-ing. ….all of this in the company of special individuals.

β–ˆ What's the next "big thing"?

I have a few ideas, but Woo Woo is at the top of the list.

  • Work
    • Kaprikorn Co.
  • Education
    • Georgia State University