Vojtech Kouba

Researcher and Prospective entrepreneur in Hlavní město Praha, Česká republika

Vojtech Kouba

Researcher and Prospective entrepreneur in Hlavní město Praha, Česká republika

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For past 4 years, I've been actively developing new and better biotechnologies to remove or recover nitrogen from wastewater.

Why? To benefit the productivity and sustainability of our society. To be useful.

Creative and bottom line oriented, I love high-intensity R&D, and will enjoy taking products to market.

I love to learn, work hard and enjoy collaboration with highly talented colleagues with diverse backgrounds.

Day- and night-job: Environmental Biotech researcher (PhD student) at UCT Prague.

What cool stuff have I done in the past?

I am a founder and served as a CEO of Rise and Shine - peak performance platform for college students of technology and natural sciences.

Under my leadership from 2013 to 2015, Rise and Shine helped over 2100 students from 42 universities pursue their personal development, discover their vision and strengths, become more effective and do their best work. Our mark are the raving reviews of our conferences (read more on www.riseandshine.cz)

About my personality - MBTI: INTJ / Wealth Dynamics: Creator.

Three best books I've read in the past 6 months: Sapiens by Yuval Noah Harari, High output management by Andy Grove, Meditations by Marcus Aurelius.

Here are 12 people I would like to invite for lunch: Elon Musk, Reid Hoffman, Peter Thiel, late Sir Nicholas Winton, Sir Richard Branson, Seth Godin, late Peter Drucker, late Andy Grove, late Moshe Dayan, Miles Davis, Steven Pressfield, Larry Ellison.

image credit: Patrick Marek

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    • ICT Prague