Volunteer Channel

Community service, Young volunteers, and giving back in Miami, FL

Volunteer Channel

Community service, Young volunteers, and giving back in Miami, FL

Volunteer Channel Inc. is a cool 501-C3 non-profit committed to generate volunteer opportunities and creative initiatives for kids, teenagers, and their families in Florida. Our mission is to connect causes to good people and facilitate families to get involved. We believe that the health of our community can be measured by the interactions between volunteers and the nonprofits they serve.

Recognizing the global scope of goodwill, Volunteer Channel extends its support beyond geographical boundaries by aiding small educational, sports, and environmental initiatives in Venezuela. Living in the blessed environment of the United States, we aim to foster synergy and contribute positively to communities both locally and abroad.

Volunteer Channel provides innovative activities, resources, and support to make empathy and "giving back" a natural part of a kid's life, because serving is beyond age. Children engaged with community service can strengthen their family bond, and create a new generation of volunteers, philanthropists, and kind, caring adults, while performing some of the community service hours required by their own schools, to complete their high school credits.

Volunteer Channel has a strategic plan that also includes the development of in-person activities in our future locations and bring easier access to some activities for the young. In the meantime, we plan to bring those activities, to community spaces like Public Libraries, schools, and after school’s programs. We want to overcome the barriers that keep young volunteers and nonprofits from finding each other, facilitating participation at any age.