Wayne Essex

Dayton, Ohio, United States

Wayne Essex speaks throughout the United States and internationally addressing churches, schools, camps and professional business organizations and usually charges a large speaking fee. However, if you are a church or a non profit organization, Wayne Essex will charge a discounted special rate. He is also a successful business owner, having started Essex and Associates, Inc., one of the biggest accounting firms in Ohio, where he currently is the President. In 2009, Wayne Essex’s business was considered the quickest growing business in Dayton, Ohio. His firm grew more than 900% without spending any money on advertising. Wayne Essex is a profoundly engaging speaker who uses a lot of humor, illustrations, and object lessons. He will guarantee you a presentation that is very entertaining and that won’t soon be forgotten. He receives standing ovations for his presentations. Wayne Essex has conducted hundreds of presentations on a wide variety of topics. He is also an author, with over three hundred publications, including, “How to get rich”, “Is your family happy, holy or hell?”, and “How to know God’s will”.

Wayne Essex

  • Work
    • Accountant