Gareth Hector


Too long spent staring at the inside of planes and a half empty cold mug of coffee and not long enough spent staring at the stars. It's a startling realisation when you reach it.

< This is me, a big building and some water.

I've worked hard, 'finding solutions' for clients and shaping my outlook to the map of the world. Only when you start to shape to your own map will you realise your true potential.

I love media, I love photography, I love the variety in people and as boring as it might sound, I love business.

Meeting other people who like to look at the world just that bit differently is important to me, those who really do see problems as opportunities, the purist optimists. Reality always exists, but it's an abstract concept anyway.

If you want to create, just talk or work together, get in touch.

  • Work
    • Photographer