Web Smith
Web Smith
An athlete at heart, Web was privileged to play collegiate sports in beautiful New England before completing his studies at the University of St. Thomas and Rice University in Texas. He still competes as a CrossFit athlete, helping Texas' CrossFit Central finish 6th, internationally, in 2010 and earning a spot in the South Central U.S. competition in 2011. He is Texas-born with deep roots and love for the New England states. He graduated with a dual B.A., with Honors, in General Business Administration and Management Information Systems. His study at Rice University was Russian linguistics and culture.
Lindsey Smith - his lovely wife - and Alexis Leigh Smith -his grown-up three year old - round out his beautiful family. He rocks out on Sundays at Lake Hills Church in Westlake Hills, Texas. As the co-owner of SICFIT, he generates cutting-edge media and focuses on building an internationally viable action sports brand. As of May of 2011, he commutes to handle marketing, media, and branding strategies for Ohio's Rogue Fitness. He consults for a wide range of businesses, offering foresight into branding, politics, and new media strategy. Web’s personal goal is to change the world around him while providing for his little family and future generations of hyper-ambitious Smith's. No pressure.