Western World Insurance

Founded in 1964, the New Jersey-based company offers general and professional liability, property, and commercial automobile insurance, underwriting $193 million in premiums in 2011 while growing its policyholders' surplus to $352 million. General liability coverage through Western World Insurance includes owners/contractors protective and products/completed operations liability as well as liquor law and employee-benefit liability. Professional liability covers directors and officers; architects and engineers; public officials; and errors and omissions in several areas, including information technology (IT).

The firm thrives on underwriting challenging and out-of-the-ordinary premiums, covering such classes as cement mixers, fast-food delivery, athletic events, pest control, and equine risks. Blogger Rhonda Sciortino wrote about a situation that took place over a decade ago, which exemplifies the company. A small business owner insuring services and homes for abused children, she lost her only supplier and could not find another insurance carrier. Desperate, Ms. Sciortino traveled across the country to crash a Florida conference of insurance executives. Repeatedly turned away by security guards, she finally gained entrance to the Western World Insurance meeting room, where President and CEO Tom Mulligan welcomed her. The company became the carrier for Child Welfare Insurance Services for a decade, until the owner sold the business. "He's an exceptional listener," the blogger wrote of the CEO. "He doesn't rush to judgment...he doesn't multitask while others are speaking."

Working through a national network of program managers and appointed wholesale brokers, Western World Insurance maintains three divisions, Brokerage, Binding, and Program. The latter division underwrites for affinity groups and associations. In addition to providing top underwriting and claims services, the company maintains its competitive edge through a commitment to remain on the forefront of technology and its legislative advocacy on matters pertinent to the industry.