Sophia S

Adventurer in Seattle, Washington

Sophia S

Adventurer in Seattle, Washington

Read my blog

The best word to describe me is "Adventurous". I currently reside in Seattle, WA - this is my 7th move during last four years. A year ago, I went on a solo-backpacking trip to Europe for three weeks. I have done five cross-country driving; completed three of five drivings by myself.

I am addicted to coffee in the morning, work in the afternoon, and Yoga/Pilates at night. I am happiest when both my body and mind are busy. I chose to dive into Tech industry due to its ever-changing nature and fast pace. I also love the complexity side of the Airline industry.

Work Portfolio: Southwest Airlines, Google, Rochester Institute of Technology, Amazon.

  • Education
    • Rochester Institute of Technology 15'