William Bernstein
author of psychology in Santa Fe, New Mexico
I have worked for over 40 years as an organizational psychologist specializing in Organization Development, Leadership Coaching, and Multivariate Statistics producing management competency, staff retention, and organization culture models.
I have a PHD in Experimental Social Psychology from the University of Texas at Austin (May 1981) and a BS in Biology from Tufts University (May 1973). I did a NIMH Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Basic and Applied Social and Organizational Psychology at Columbia University (1981-1983). I am a graduate of the Center for Psychoanalytic Studies at Mass General Hospital/Harvard Medical School (1996-98).
I worked for two Organization Consulting firms (The Forum Corporation and Burke Associates) before starting my own Consulting and Research company in 1992---Bernstein Associates. My focus is on the alignment between Human Resources Strategy and Overall Organization business strategy. I developed a quantitative method for doing assessments of alignment and making change recommendations.
I have published extensively in organization psychology, e.g., Bernstein, W.M. & Burke, W.W. (1989). Modeling organizational meaning systems. In, R.W. Woodman & W.A. Passmore. (Eds.), Research in Organization Change and Development (Vol.3): 117-159. CT: JAI Press.
I have written two textbooks:
W.M. Bernstein (2011) A Basic Theory of Neuropsychoanalysis (2011). Routledge: London
W.M. Bernstein(2014). The Realization of Concepts: Infinity, Cognition, and Health. Routledge: London.
and one popular book: Sophistication (2016)