William Levine Podiatrist

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It is definitely true that bunions are a primary specialty for Dr. William Levine, podiatrist from New York City. However, he is able to treat almost any condition dealing with foot health. For example, he is highly skilled as a cosmetic and aesthetic podiatrist, as well, which means is is able to offer injections of Botox injections as a treatment for hyperhidrosis, which is when the feet sweat an excessive amount. Dr. William Levine also uses dermal filler injections to relieve the pain for patients who suffer a pain and numbness in the ball of the foot due to metatarsal fat pad atrophy. This is a common problem for women.

As noted, Dr. William Levine, podiatrist, doesn’t just treat bunions, even though he is known far and wide as an expert in their treatment. He is a renowned foot doctor with the skills and the knowledge to treat almost any foot and ankle ailment. He has been certified by the National Board of Podiatric Medical Examiners and he is an Associate of the American Board of Podiatric Surgery. When he has free time, he like to both watch and play sports, and he likes to read, travel and complete home improvement projects.