

The ultra-positive Wonderland is the kind of artist whose message is appreciated across the board – one of love and truth. Wonderland is more a state of mind than an individual, and means a lot to the man himself: "Wonderland is the music of my life, and my experiences. It a merging of three genres, R&B, Electro and Pop, and what makes it stand out is that these songs are real; they are my story from my soul."I produce and write all my music and melodies....so these songs are really me, and i cannot sing anything unless it true to my soul." I do not care about fame or money , i care about my message and the truth.[...]

Wonderland is a artist that does not simply want to be remembered for his voice, which is breathtaking, but for his lifeforce and his belief that this earth and our souls need to evolve and find your ultimate destiny. His destiny he believes is to spread love through his music and try and make a difference, even a small one in this ever changing world. His life has been a very remarkable one from the age of 10 having had his own tv show on the Armed Forces Radio Network and his own 14 piece band at the age of 11.He also plays many instruments such as the bass, saxaphone,trumpet,and piano.He discovered that he could wirte songs four years ago and has won 5 Billboard World Songwriting Contest awards as well as scoring 3 hits in Europe which he wrote, performed and produced. He also went to number 1 on radio in Switzerland, Austria and Germany[...]

More about him: myspace.com/winderlandlovesyou

Contact: [email protected]