Wonder Lister

Best alternative to eBay turbo lister, eBay Turbo Lister Replacement, and Import Inventory items from eBay Turbo Lister in the United States

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Wonder Lister is the best replacement tool for eBay's about to be retired Turbo Lister. Wonder Lister is a windows based desktop application that runs on all windows operating systems except Windows XP.

Main features:

Import from Turbo Lister - Wonder Lister can import your inventory items as a flat file that you export from within Turbo Lister. No changes are needed to be done to the CSV exported by Turbo Lister.

Bulk Editing - Bulk editing allows you to edit multiple listings all at once. Bulk editing supports search and replace functionality for text fields.

Customizable eBay Listing Editor - You can set preferences in Wonder Lister to hide fields you never use, thus, the eBay Listing Editor can be simplified as much as your needs dictate.

Side-by-side Simple Editor - Wonder Lister displays its simple editor alongside the Listings Grid, you select a listing from the Grid, its data gets displayed in the side-by-side editor, edit your eBay listings data in the side-by-side editor and simply save your changes. Click on the next eBay listing to be edited from the Listings Grid and you can just keep on editing in a very simplified manner.

Customizable Listing Grid Views - Wonder Lister allows you to create as many eBay Listing Grid Views as you so desire. For each Grid View, you select which columns to display and in what order. Once defined, you can simply switch between the Grid Views you created and Wonder Lister Listings Grid will update accordingly.

Folders - Wonder Lister lets you create as many Folders and sub folders (to any nesting level). You can put your data manually into folders or you can set a set of one or more conditions based on which the qualifying Listings will automatically appear in that folder.

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    • www.wonderlister.com