Word Cloud Live Presentation

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What is Word Cloud

What is WordCloud? Once upon a time, in faraway lands, people had enough patience and expendable time to sit and read through multiple books and other sources to gather information.

However, in today’s world, having time, patience, or even the attention span of consuming large amounts of content is as rare as the fantasies and magic in fairytales that begin with ‘Once Upon a Time'.

The most commonly asked question is, “but why to spend so much time when so many tools help us gather information much easier?”

And rightly so! The growing technology and limitless opportunities they present have helped the average human learn and consume more information than anyone from a ‘faraway land’ could even dream of!

In the world of fast data consumption, we are surrounded by many data visualisation tools such as charts, graphs, tables, and so many more that help us use our time efficiently and make informed decisions about the topic or content in question.

The word cloud is one potent and valuable tool. Also known as a tag cloud, it is simply a visual representation of a bunch of words. The closest example would be a library register that contains information about all the books in the library).

A word cloud represents the popularity of words or phrases in that particular content. Say, for example, you ask a group of students what their favourite breakfast meal is. It is depicted by a cluster of words, in which the most popular ones appear larger or bolder when compared to the rest of the terms.

A word cloud is a great tool to get the audience's opinion, relevance, or interest regarding a specific topic. It is also a tool that many presenters and teachers favour. Word clouds are efficient, cost-effective, and reliable options for understanding peoples’ opinions on certain things.

Word clouds are the best way to engage your audience, whether you are hosting a live presentation or something on Zoom.

Live Word Cloud Generator

AhaSlides is an online interactive presentation tool with multiple slide options such as brainstorming, Q&A, word cloud, quizzes and more. You can add a little colour and fun to the word clouds with background images, audio and other customisations.


There are always plenty of reasons to having WordCloud in your class, meetings and seminars… This is the perfect tool for brainstorming, icebreaker, idea collection or team retro sessions.