Wyant Photography

Software Engineer, Project Manager, and Consultant in Carmel, IN

Read my blog

We have three amazing boys and three beautiful daughters in love (love brought them to our family – not law)

We are so blessed with our family. They live on opposite sides of the country; Maui, Seattle, Raleigh NC, so when we do get a chance to get together Lois’ mommy heart is very full of love.

Favorite places to visit

Western states

Maui, Seattle and Raleigh to visit the boys

Hawaii Tropical Botanical Garden on the Big Island – LOVE IT!

“Real Life" cities, away from tourist attractions.

European cities

Favorite Date

Either: movie, picnic or a walk.

Favorite Restaurant

For very special occasions: St. Elmo’s

For every day items: Agave, La Hacienda and Number One Chinese Buffet, oh yeah and pizza.

More About Our Photography Accomplishments:

Lois and I have developed credentials through professional photographic competitions. Together we are one of Indiana’s most award winning studios on a state, regional and national level. Some of our most prestigious awards include:

14 Kodak Gallery Awards

15 Fuji Masterpiece Awards

Indiana Photographer of the Year

images selected for Epcot Center

International Photographic Hall of Fame

Two time winner of Canon’s “Par Excellence Award"

Indiana Photographer of the Year

Regional Photographer of the Year

PPA Diamond Award

World Cup USA

Grand Imaging Award – twice

The portrait artist balances the art of light with compositional harmony while revealing the genuineness of an individual’s true character.

Jim Wyant

I began our introduction with a quote so that you, the reader, may understand the importance behind selecting a true professional for those special moments in your family’s life. Today, in a digital world of confused authenticity, the lines between professional and amateur have become blurred at the cost of photographic excellence.

Lois and I married in 1984, and she immediately partnered with me and my two year old business with the grand idea of blending portrait photography with photographic art. That is, understanding and applying the foundational principles of photography with a sense of human genuineness thereby exposing personality, reality, and character.

The business grew quickly as we developed our skills, both obtaining double degrees in the photographic field.