Rexon A. De los Reyes

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Web and Mobile App developer that follows the basic SOLID principles and the current software development best practices, uses some design patterns for creating projects depending on each project needs, wrote some open source php projects and javascript helper libraries on github and published to bower and npm, and also has experienced in building web based accounting systems, job marketing sites and other e-commerce solutions. As a developer, it is my responsibility to take care about security, sustainability and the maintainability of web applications.Hi there, I'm Rexon :)

Few Random Facts About me....

* I am passionately curious about things that catches my interest.

* Willing to learn and share new ideas, specially on my chosen field.

* I really love to play guitar, and listen to punk and deathcore musics.

* I really want to play skateboards during weekends, considering that as my proper exercise.

* Like other people in the web world, I am also a coffee addict.

* If I were not in a web industries, I'd secretly want to be a chef.

* I really like to dribble rather than shooting the ball into the basket.

* Photography in the skate scene is one of my desire someday.