Edwin van Andel
Public Speaker and Consultant in the Netherlands
Edwin van Andel
Public Speaker and Consultant in the Netherlands
Edwin van Andel, better known as @Yafsec, was born on a late november day in the excellent wine year 1970 and immediately started pushing buttons from his crib. During his early years no device was safe for him, and his adolescence was described by his neighbours as a "very disastrous period", mainly because of his discovery of computers, modems and the hack-tic.
After -as his lawyer told him to formulate it- "Examining information and structures available on a bunch of open systems," he eventually was hired by a large IT distributor. There he quickly became 'that' senior consultant with a risk tag, and for safety reasons was put mainly on long-term projects abroad. In 2003 he started his own company called Yafsec, with the sole purpose of guiding companies and IT dealers through the dark woods of the ever evolving security forrest. As of 2016 he joined Zerocopter, where he's mostly working on pubicly expanding their “continuous security” platform.
Elected winner of the Lightning talks at BruCON 2013, and organizer of the alternative NCSC conference "because no hackers were invited" #ALT-S, he is now a renown speaker that will introduce you -in a humorous way- to the dangers, virtues and current state of affairs in the security landscape.
From a hackers perspective, that is......