Yana Rusinovich

Paris , France

Born: July 15, 1981

Born in the Soviet Union, originally from Kazakhstan, spent most of her childhood near Tatarstan, family emigrated in Moscow 1988. In 1996 she studied French and English at the International Moscow language school, as well as attending art school for 4 years and Music Conservatory of Moscow.

She emigrated to Paris, France in 2000.

From 2005 to 2008 she studied at the Music Conservatory of Paris.

An Animal Rights activist who has been an active member of French Animal Rights Organisation L214.

She established the page VEGANPOWER to promote a veganism and vegan life-style.

Ambassador of animals right association "Galgos Ethique Europe"

Married to Captain Paul Watson, co-founder of the Greenpeace Foundation and founder of the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society.