Yashika Pla

Charlotte, NC

Yashika Pla

Charlotte, NC

Yashika Pla is Cofounder & CEO of Dual Balance Enterprise, a business consulting firm. Prior to Dual Balance Enterprise, Yashika earn a degree in Computer Technology and worked for Corporate America in the financial printing and banking industry for over 10 years. During those years she always ventured out in the business world. Her desire was to become an entrepreneur and she was a determined to display courage, desire and faith for her two sons. In 2008, Yashika left Corporate America to focus on her passion and follow her dream. She discovered in March 2008 a niche for the beauty industry. She knew the only way to her dreams is to start walking into the unfamiliar land, quickly connections started building. In April 2009 she met Celebrity Makeup Artist Ikeya Pope who saw the vision of her passion. Immediately they started working to build the largest and most incredible........