Yinka Ladeinde

"If we discover a desire within us that nothing in this world can satisfy, we should begin to wonder if perhaps we were created for another world."

~ C.S. Lewis

My name is Yinka :) I was born in Ibadan, Oyo state in Nigeria on June 25, 1985. My family moved to California when I was young and I spend my younger years in San Jose and the rest of my time growing up in the Bay Area. I have traveled to a few different countries on mission trips and with my family, I guess you can say one of my major desires is to travel and see things, trully experience life to the fullest.

As far as my personality, well, there are many words that have been used to describe me. I've been described as bubbly, expressive, caring, bold and eccentric. However, by far, the best word that can be used to describe me is REAL. I am not afraid to disagree with you or share my opinion, but I am acutely aware that I don't know everything. I love to laugh and make others laugh with me; I love to learn new things. I love any and all forms of creative expression and I love to be around people with healthy imaginations which they use to DREAM BIG and INSPIRE others to do the same. My goal in life is to be whoever God wants me to be, wherever he wants me to be, with whomever he wants me to be with, doing ANYTHING that he asks of me, and doing this with EVERYTHING that I have inside of me, for HIS Glory ALONE!