Mark Bitela

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

If you don't know me then you don't need to know do you. I would have never thought I would be here today, if it had not been for my wife, family and friends that I know and met. I felt so ashamed, and guilty to admit that there's something wrong with me having Hallucinations, Intrusive thoughts and flashbacks (How does something like that get in my head, It's scary and crazy as hell-all from deployments over time can be nutty. I listen to a radio station KLOVE by Jermey Camp called No more pain, No more fears, No more tears. Thoughts of suicde felt comfortable. The song sums it up to just get through the day at time. Now I have been diagnosed with Papilledema. Physical Pain takes away Quality of Life and the Mental Issues of PTSD and beyond other issues. How can you be strong? Unable to do the things that you Once enjoyed, making the struggle to accept who you are now and to live a life that is taken away from you. Leaving you Not feeling you are strong but, enduring the painful loss of interest in Life.

  • Work
    • United States Air Force
  • Education
    • Eastern Wayne High
    • Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University