Rafael Martinez
Teacher, Therapist, and Director in Puerto Rico
Rafael Martinez is born in Spain, he complete his studies in Fine Arts in the universities of Valencia, Spain and Paris at the Fine Arts National School, France.
Rafael, with nearly 30 years of experience in practicing and teaching yoga around the world, has designed the AeroYoga® method to promote perfect health, awareness and overall beauty of being.
AeroYoga® is not just yoga postures on a Swing. AeroYoga® is a revolutionary artistic method to personal growth , for body, creativity and soul, and a real art therapy coaching for life. AeroYoga® has it’s roots in the oldest traditions of Natha Yoga, Mallakhamb Rope, and Ayurveda while adding a modern instrument like contemporary dance, Pilates and Alexander methods or art therapy.
It’s main objectives are to strength and rejuvenate the body, while redefining the muscular, digestive and respiratory systems.
AeroYoga® History
After a trip to the United States, the instructor of Yoga Creativo ©, Rafael Martínez discovers the yoga swing, is inspired by it and on his return to Spain decides to implement in his workshop, Madrid Yoga Studio, his knowledge in Yoga Creativo © together with the swing, thus the AeroYoga® was born.
Some time later he wrote the book ¨The Art of AeroYoga, Power of Weightlessness¨ in which he introduces the system that makes up the AeroYoga®.
The book is aimed at professionals who want to implement this technique in their workspaces: studios, gyms, clinics, spas, etc. Currently there is AeroYoga® Institute, in the mountains of Aguas Buenas, in the island of Puerto Rico.
The institute aims to carry out AeroYoga teacher certifications in Puerto Rico and other countries such as Spain, Argentina, France, Paraguay, Mexico, Australia and New Caledonia in Oceania.
Contact AeroYoga® Institute
WhatsApp +1 787 692 4636
Web www.aeroyoga.es