Friedland & Associates

Personal Injury Lawyer in Fort Lauderdale, FL

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Friedland & Associates is committed to providing exceptional legal services through aggressive management of litigation matters in State and Federal Court. Our primary purpose is to provide exemplary service to the community and our clients. We believe in the foundations of our legal system which requires vigilant and vigorous protection of legal rights. We steadfastly defend our jury system which affords those aggrieved the right to seek redress in court. Our firm will fight for people and just causes, regardless of economic influences or standing in the community. We are a firm comprised of individuals who believe through aggressive representation justice is attainable.

Contact Us:

Friedland & Associates

Address: 707 NE 3rd Ave, Suite 201, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304,USA

Phone: 877-393-0526

Email: [email protected]