yulia handy

Grand Forks, North Dakota, United States

Yulia Handy (Yulia Vladimirovna Chertova) was born in the former Soviet Union on February 4th, 1982 in the city of Novorossiysk, a port city located along the northern shores of the Black Sea, which is now a part of modern Russia. In 2005, at the age of 23 years, she travelled to the United States for what was planned to be a six month visit to Santa Barbara. However, after meeting her soon to be husband, Yulia altered her plans and permanently settled in the United States.
Although Yulia did not have a professional writing background, she had always held a deep appreciation for the rich and imaginative Russian literature, which had fascinated her since childhood. Yulia's nostalgia for her beloved home town of Novorossiysk, and the family and friends she left behind, eventually burst from her in the form of a fictional novel set in the ancient land of Scythia, which was an actual historic region that encompassed the eastern Black Sea coast where Yulia grew up.
Yulia set to work and completed her novel, Legends of Scythia: The Secret Keepers, in 2008, written entirely in her native Russian language. Unsure if she was going to publish the novel, Yulia then took a two year hiatus to give birth and begin to raise her first child, Anton, before eventually deciding to translate the original script to English with the help of her husband, Jeremy. Currently Yulia lives with her husband and son in Grand Forks, North Dakota.

Yulia graduated Novorossiysk Technical School of Town Planning and Economics in 2001 as a full time student with Master's Qualification of Technician, Specialty: Water-supplying and drainage systems. Later on she enrolled into Modern University for the Humanities and as corresponded time student she graduated in the spring 2008 with a qualification of Bachelor of Methods of economics and principles of organizational functioning, business communication.