Zemel Choir

London UK

The Zemel Choir, established by Dudley Cohen in 1955, is proud of its international reputation as one of the world's finest mixed-voice Jewish choirs. We regularly perform in major venues throughout the U.K. and overseas, and, besides singing well-known favourites, are particularly proud to present new music, often specially commissioned, from contemporary composers. Recent highlights in the UK have included a Kristallnacht Commemoration service at Westminster Abbey, services for the Mayor of London, concerts at the South Bank Centre and St John’s Smith Square, and the first European Jewish Choral Festival (2012).
We have travelled extensively to the U.S.A., Canada, Israel, and Eastern and Western Europe. Recent visits have included Belgium, France and Luxembourg (2007), Israel (2009), Paris and Strasbourg (2011), Berlin (2011), the USA and Canada (2013) and the Second European Jewish Choir Festival in Rome (2014). In November 2014 the choir will be performing at the Sacrées Journées de Strasbourg.
TV and Radio appearances have included the 1986 live television and radio broadcast of Kaddish for Terezin from Canterbury Cathedral, the Expressions of Reconciliation and Hope service in York Minster in 1990, a Holocaust Day commemoration edition of Radio 4's Sunday Worship in January 2001, and, in January 2005, an edition of BBC1's Songs of Praise, The Holocaust Remembered.
The choir is actively involved in educational work and support for Jewish charities. Our Celebrate with Song event, established in 2007, introduces new singers to Jewish Choral Music, and will next take place at JW3 in February 2015, while our most recent charitable concert was in aid of Tzedek (a charity which is involved in educational projects in Africa). In December 2014 we will be performing in support of the Alzheimer’s Society. The choir also runs an annual workshop and joint concert with school children from the Goldbeaters and Orion Primary Schools in North West London. Through this work we introduce Jewish music to mixed-faith children and their families.
The Choir has maintained its reputation as a result of professional musical direction and a strong commitment to rehearsals by its members. We come together not only to sing, but also to be part of a warm and friendly social group. We are always happy to welcome new members. To find out more about us, visit our website at www.zemelchoir.org or phone our membership secretary, Doreen on 020-8868 8423