Software Engineer and Consultant in Long Beach, CA


Software Engineer and Consultant in Long Beach, CA

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Hello, I’m Zin Myint Naung. I am a big fan of information science & technology, entrepreneurship, teaching, and computer programming. I’m also interested in creating music, and I love traveling. Though my career has recently shifted to business and technology consultation, I am still actively coding whenever I can escape from my little son.

I founded myanmardatascience.com, a free-to-study data science education platform for Burmese-speaking individuals. Also, I co-founded Al-Insan, a group of donors helping victims of the ongoing Rohingya genocide in Myanmar (Burma).

If you are an academic or extensive reader, please visit my medium page at https://medium.com/@zinmyintnaung or at my ResearchGate to explore my articles.

  • Work
    • Business Analyst