Chloe Jane


My name is Chloe and a warm welcome to my page!

I am a freelance graphic designer living in the beautiful city of London, which is also where I grew up as a child. I love what I do and the freedom I have to do it, as I have been lucky enough to work with some of the coolest clients imaginable who let me really go wild when creating media for them!

I also really enjoy travelling, especially in those far of countries that not many people have been to, they just really intrigue me! But even if it is a weekend at the beach, that is perfectly fine by me, as long as I am doing something new and something interesting!

It's more of a hobby for now, but one day I hope to do some payed work with my photography. I try and take cool, abstract pictures whenever I can, which can be of anything at all!

If you want to see more of my work, I have been trying to keep my website updated with all the cool things I have been doing, so go and check it out! The link should be around here somewhere!

My Website