Professor Dr Joseph Chikelue Obi MD (Alternative Medicine Doctor)

Medical Doctor, Health Expert, and Alternative Medicine Professor in International / Global (Worldwide) Locations.

Professor Dr Joseph Chikelue Obi MD (Alternative Medicine Doctor)

Medical Doctor, Health Expert, and Alternative Medicine Professor in International / Global (Worldwide) Locations.

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A Short Wiki (Who is) Bio News Profile About Professor Doctor Joseph Chikelue Obi GKB MD MBBS MPH DR(AM) FRIPH FRCAM FICPS (Alternative Medicine Professor , EU Medical Doctor , Celebrity Health Care Expert and Independent Irish Presidential Candidate for the 2025 , Island of Ireland , Elections).

Joseph Chikelue Obi is a Fully Qualified (and Internationally Licensed) Medical Doctor ; who serves as Professor-in-Chief of the Alternative Medicine Campaign.

Doctor Obi has firmly held some of the Most Controversial Political Posts in Modern Medical History.

Professor Obi is a Fully Licensed and Fully Registered EU (European Union) Medical Practitioner , who successfully graduated as a Medical Doctor (MBBS) in the Year 1991 , and also successfully graduated with a Master of Public Health (MPH) Degree in the Year 2001.

Furthermore : Professor Joseph Chikelue Obi has successfully passed all (MD) Steps of the United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) , fully inclusive of Steps 1, 2, 3 and the CSA (2CS). His USMLE/FSMB ID Number is 06180640. His USA Professional Medical Designation is therefore MD (in addition to the Original MBBS Degree).

Dr Obi has also successfully passed the MD Medical Licensing Exam in a (Very) Very Sunny Mediterranean EU (European Union) Country , too.

The Accredited EU (European Union) Professional Medical Designation of Doctor Joseph Chikelue Obi , within All Countries of the European Union (EU) , is therefore (yet another) MD (in addition to the Original MBBS and the other USA / USMLE / FSMB MD Designation).

Professor Obi hovers around GLOBALLY in his Professional Medical Capacity as Chancellor of the Royal Collegium ; via it's ICPS Non-Profit (Charitable) United Nations (UN) Collaboration Division in (Delaware) USA (International College of Physicians and Surgeons).

Doctor Obi is also an Independent Irish (Political) Presidential Candidate for the 2025 Presidential Elections (in the Republic of Ireland where there are Very Few Eminent Black Politicians). This has made him an Easy Target for Racist Independent Irish Newspapers (and Xenophobic UK / British Media Outlets).

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  • Work
    • Royal Collegium
  • Education
    • University ( Post Graduate Level )
    • Clinical Certifications
    • Professional Fellowships
    • Degrees
    • Diplomas