Writer in San Francisco, California
Writer in San Francisco, California
Katrin Gibb graduated from San Francisco State University with an MFA in fiction writing. She has published in numerous places including Glimmer Train, Confrontations, and Hobart. She previously served as a rotating editor for The Forge Lit Mag and is still a member of the online writing collective The Fiction Forge. She is currently looking for representation for her short story collection and is working on a novel. You can reach her at [email protected].
Kid Troubadour in Flash Fiction Magazine (online) - Forthcoming
A History of Regressing in Glimmer Train (print)
As Elvis in Hobart (print)
As Elvis as a chapbook from Chance Press (print)
Newlyweds in Fourteen Hills (print)
John Doe Americana in Confrontation (print)
The Boys of Company Sea in The Matchbook Review (online)
Every Key in Jellyfish Review (online)
Merging in BULL (online)
Fixture in JMWW (online)
The Quickening in The Water~Stone Review (print)
Soap in Running Wild Press - Novella Anthology Vol. 5 (print)
Saturday Morning Quarters in The Marathon Review (online)
Something Horrible in Need of Killing in The Bookends Review (online)
Conception in In Parentheses (print)
Readings: Bay Area Generations, Hazel Reading Series, The Racket
Finalist / Nominations:
Pushcart Prize (twice nominated for As Elvis)
Neil Shepard Prize (finalist for A History of Regressing)
Glimmer Train Open Fiction 2018 (2nd place for A History of Regressing)
Black Springs Review (long list for novella publication)