Nude Brigade

Photographer in Milano

Visit my website

We are all born naked, but moral or religious standards are compelling us to dress up, more or less, depending on our culture.

Some of us are not happy to accept these limitations and would like nudity to be part of our daily lives.

This behaviour is opposed in real life as well as on social media and sometimes equated to a crime.

- I am a nude photographer, and I would like to show my work with no limitations.

- You may be the model that I work with and you’re proud of your job.

- Or you may be a nudist that would like to celebrate the natural way of living.

- Or you can be a simple fan of nude art and would like to help in the discussion...

On social media, adults should be allowed to choose for themselves what they want to see, as long as minors are protected by accidental exposure to sensitive contents.
And in real life, albeit in specific areas, nudism should be allowed all over the World.

Nudity is not just a kink, it’s our natural state, why is society so worried about it?

We have to learn to separate nudity from sex, and stop hiding every naked body as a menace.

I was planning to create this community on Clubhouse, but why don’t we start connecting and build momentum right now?

If you share this opinion and you would like to participate in this movement:

- Please start using #nudebrigade on your contents

- Join the community by contacting me through [email protected], this way I can keep you posted about major developments

- Check all the links to the movement on

- Ask to join the hidden Facebook group and be part of the discussion.

Still not sure how to develop this idea, every suggestion is welcome.
For a start, we should compare our experience on various social media to identify the more nude friendly, but with time we might even manage to change the bloody community standards we hate so much!

Maybe if we are in sufficient number and we speak loud enough, somebody is going to listen...

  • Work
    • Bramley Apple