Nishant Rao

Consultant in India

Nishant Rao

Consultant in India

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Nishant has over all 11+Years of progressive experience in Information & Technologies Arena and is been in a Sales & Marketing, Talent Acquisition, Client Acquisition and Business Development for the past 8+ years.

Product Management and Marketing leader in the big data analytics areas. Delivery of products from product definition, product life cycle planning, messaging, product pricing, channel partnerships, and pre sales solution architecture. Using social Media ad targeting on LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter with big data analytics (Voxsup)

Prior experience includes, 4 years in US Staffing.... Working with clients to identify what type of person is needed to help them with their Project. Connecting people to the right project to make Projects successful and make Consultants successful too. Most people call me the middle man, the person who makes the connection, the networker, the account rep, the client manager, the sales person, the SAP expert, the negotiator, the friend, the trusted adviser, the lunch buddy, the trade show vendor, the SAP Partner, the SAP Services Provider..

Specialties: Business of Analytics, Data mining, Big Data, Social media, Customer experience architect, Sales enablement, Marketing Strategy, Marketing and customer requirements, Product Marketing, Customer and Business Development, Partner alliances, Solution architecture, Launch messaging, Surveys and focus groups, System architecture, Performance analysis, Future systems design, Industry and Trade Conference participation

Nishant is always open to Speak and is available on Skype (Nishant.rao0909), Gtalk ([email protected]), Yahoo IM(raonishant333), LinkedIn, Twitter, and accept any who want to connect.

  • Work
    • Kogentix, Inc.